April 30, 2009

Well been awhile since this has been updated! So here it goes..... Copying from myspace. :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Random updates. :)
Well I am down to 160lbs!!! Yay, keep working out and it wont be long till I'm back to 140! As for not starting smoking again, that fell through! I am smoking again. I know, I know I am stupid. But stress caught up with me and I didn't want to keep eating every time I was stressed out, so I went to the thing I depended ... I tried taking walks and stuff, but never worked.
Allison is doing great! Our little chunk! I figured out that one of my medications is the reason she keeps getting sick. I took myself off them and am going to start taking them one by one every week. I started my antidepressants first, so far so good! She only gets sick when she eats too much which isn't but maybe once a day. :) Next will be my thyroid meds. Unless the doctor tells me other wise on the 28th when I go in to get it checked.

Kenzie is starting to get a little bossy, so she's been getting more time outs and stuff. I'm not sure why she's doing it. It's not even just towards us it's toward Josh's parents also. So Sunday she started being whinny so we packed up the car and took her home. No more broken threats! If she wants to start being naughty and not listen then she's going to have to pay the consequences! (sp) No we dont hit her, just put her in time out or send her to her room! She's sorta grounded from seeing her friend Eric, cause she threw a fit when it was time to leave his house!!! And she's been blaming anything she does wrong on him. But for some reason I think she has an imaginary friend named Eric also. Cause she would talk about "Eric" even when she hadn't seen the one that lives on the 2nd floor in a while. So that one has been a tough call on how to handle it!

Josh is still working for NWA. He's had to take what they call PTO which is kinda under time in some other companies. So paychecks have been really short! Luckily we got approved for housing assistance! Sucks we had to go in that direction, but at least he wont be homeless! And it's not like we can afford for me to go to work and pay for daycare! We already checked into it and we'd make too much money for daycare assistance if I were to go back to work. Not like I could anyways, cause we only have one car. Which is a piece of crap lately!

The birds are almost done being hand fed! Yay! It's sad when Allison sleeps through the night and not wake up to eat, yet I have to get up and feed the darn birds. LOL They have definitely found their voices! Especially after seeing their parents on Sunday! We took them to Josh's parents house and they brought out their lovebirds (the babies parents) and oh boy that was funny! Chuck the older one has really picked up on flying! Whenever I am at the computer and his cage door is open he'll fly over and land on my hand. Pickle is getting the flying down also. Daisy still has 2 weeks left of feeding, but is starting to fly and says pretty bird. Hopefully we'll get to go camping sometime here in the next couple weeks before it gets too cold! Cant till the birds are done being hand fed though. :(

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Some randomness. ;)
Well the last week or so Kenzie's been sick. From thinking back on the last couple years she's gotten sick like this around this time of year. :( She's doing better, just has a raspy voice now!
Allison is doing just fine! :) She's rolling all over the place again! And more determined then ever to sit up! She tries sitting up from laying on her back! She's gonna have a six pack if she keeps it up! LOL She has recently found the hair on the back of her head! She really likes pulling it when she is tired, to try and keep herself awake!!! Not sure how to make her stop other then shave her head!! LMAO I wouldn't but it would work! LOL
Josh is still working for Northwest. He had a 6day weekend, cause he got a tooth pulled and ended up with dry socket! Still having problems with it. He came home early from work last night cause one of the managers seen he was in a lot of pain and sent him home.
Still trying to sell the lovebirds. :) Our apartment manager is being a bi$&* about them. She said we could have A bird not birds. I honestly dont get what the big deal is their in the same cage. We shouldn't have them for too much longer, I HOPE!!!
I'm doing pretty good, starting to get headaches again. Not sure why. I've just been staying home with the girls as usual and taking it all in! LOL I sometimes go stir crazy, but a short walk helps with that! LOL

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Me & Josh


her fish she caught


Cool Dude